Justice League Action Wiki

A super-villain, and an enemy of the Justice League.


Toyman is exceptionally short like a child but has a normal-sized head with dark hair, and, from his name, must be an adult. He is dressed in a school uniform of sleeveless shirt, tie and shorts, and has a satchel on his back. He is excitably talkative, childishly mean, and has an immature obsession with toys and games. Superman, who is familiar with him as an "old enemy", says he is "maturity challenged".

To combat superheroes, he uses technology to make toys into weapons and implies that he does such work in his "toyshop". To take on the Justice League, he has an army of out-sized, animated toys which are used for combat or transport.


He can arm them with rockets and other weapons but can lose control of them if Cyborg is able to hack into them. He has also developed a special helmet that, when placed on a person's head, brings them under his control, but it can be short circuited by an EMP weapon. Toyman can also turn existing action toys into weapons that either shoot or explode but his love for toys can make him reluctant to see them destroyed.

He shows a particular attraction for the Watchtower and is frequently seen there. To infiltrate it, Toyman can disguise himself and a robot to attempt to infect its computer system with a virus. Entering more forcibly, he is able to make use of its holographic training room to implement a video game and then attach devices to the superheroes to remotely force them to fight one another in it.


11. Play Date
47. Watchtower Tours
Short 11. Toymano a Mano
Short 12. Mint Condition



  • In the comics, Hiro Okamura is actually a hero and member of the Justice League, while Winslow Schott, the original, was a villain.

