A gangster boss and an enemy of Batman and the Justice League.
The Penguin is a mature man of short and very rotund build, with a face framed by a double chin and a long pointed nose like a beak. He wears a smart black suit that has a waistcoat and a morning coat with long tails, and, to complete the old-fashioned image of a rich person, wears a top hat and a monocle over his right eye. As the leader of a criminal gang, he is harsh and overbearing, and is determined to maintain that position to the point of hiring a hitman like Deadshot to deal with a fellow villain who fails to show sufficient respect.
For equipment, he sometimes carries an umbrella that is a machine gun in disguise. He is supported by a gang of henchmen who wear smart evening dress except that they have penguin masks over their heads. They are armed with machine guns and, more oddly, with swords, axes, maces and boomerangs, or any other things that are to hand - like garden forks.
We learn that Penguin is involved in large scale robbery and, as a cover for these activities, maintains a nightclub in Gotham City called the Iceberg Lounge. It is spacious and has a large ice sculpture in the center with real penguins standing on it and more ice hanging from the ceiling. At the docks, he has a secret hideout and, for a sudden escape, a motor boat moored nearby with a conspicuous penguin sculpture over the cabin.
In one story, he has been in partnership with Two-Face but has subsequently turned against him.
- 23. Double Cross
- 40. E. Nigma, Consulting Detective
- Short 17. Super Stakeout
- Penguin at Wikipedia.
- This incarnation of The Penguin has four fingers as opposed to the normally five or the flipper hands.