Justice League Action Wiki

The home of the Amazons.


Paradise Island (also called Themyscira) is occupied by the all-female Amazons. When seen from above, it appears as a volcanic caldera filled with water, with a smaller island in the middle. The main settlement is probably on the central island and, both at the foot of craggy cliffs and on top, buildings in the style of Greek temples can be seen.


Inside one of them is the throne of the Amazon queen, Hippolyta, on which she sits at the base of a colossal statue of the goddess Hera that has a crown, a long scepter and a serpent.


The island is declared by the Queen to be off-limits to all men and, as a sorceress, she is able to cast a spell over it that immediately ejects any male that sets foot there. Wonder Woman is often present and actively defends it from outside attack, while Supergirl can also be there to participate in combat practice.

Other places can be accessed from the island. Dangerous prisoners like Circe can be condemned to the 'Pits of Tartarus', and powerful objects like the 'Oculus of the Argo' can be hidden in the 'Fallen Realm' which appears to be on the underside of the world and can only be reached through a conjured portal.


11. Play Date (brief)
16. Luthor in Paradise
33. Best Day Ever (brief)
Short 20. The Goddess Must Be Crazy



  • The overhead view of the island shows a layout similar to that of modern Santorini.
  • In the comics, the Pit/Pits of Tartarus are where the souls of the wicked are punished and are a Greek equivalent of Hell. They can be underneath Themyscira.
  • A billboard seen in a short episode advertising Themyscira as a holiday destination seems unlikely given that in the comics the island is inaccessible and hidden from the rest of the world.