Justice League Action Wiki

A superhero, and member of the Justice League.


Atom appears as a short, young-looking man with dark eyes. His costume has the traditional blue-and-dark-red coloring but the patterning is different with a broad red chevron across the chest and red bands down the outsides of his legs. As a person, he is good-natured, unassuming, and devoted to his scientific work, but although he is initially hesitant to join the Justice League as a superhero he subsequently shows himself to be just as inclined to heroics as any other.

The main power of Atom is his ability to shrink down from his normal size and grow back again. This is achieved by touching a disc on the front of his belt that has the atomic symbol on it.


At reduced size he still has enough weight to punch with force, but it is not clear whether he can vary his mass as he changes size.


21. Inside Job
24. Battle for the Bottled City
28. The Fatal Fare
37. The Ringer
Short 1.Up and Atom



